I woke up this morning to bright sunshine and cool temperatures– the perfect opener to the Camp Takajo season. As I walked to the office to begin my day, I took a moment and paused to appreciate the silence and tranquility of my surroundings. Within a few hours, the buses rolled down the camp road and were greeted by an enthusiastic staff who welcomed each and every boy to their summer home.
From the moment our boys arrived on the property, the camp came alive, and throughout the afternoon, every facility was in use. There were pickup basketball games on all of our courts, plus campers and counselors playing tennis, baseball, and soccer. Counselors stayed close to their campers throughout the day, making sure that our new campers were feeling safe and secure.
During the dinner meal, I walked around to every group and watched the interaction between campers at each table as they enjoyed chicken nuggets and french fries. After a brief free play period in the evening, each group assembled with their group head counselor and were briefed on what they have in store for the summer.
The day was the perfect balance between play and connecting with members of our camp family. As the sun set on Long Lake, I could not help but notice the bright reflection of the water as it radiated towards Takajo. It was almost as if the lake was calling our boys and inviting them to take their first dip. As the boys put their heads on their pillows and the day came to an end, I could sense an eagerness for what lies ahead.