
What’s Happening at Camp Takajo, August 4, 2014

By August 4, 2014 January 4th, 2019 Tak Talk


I woke up this morning on the early side and made my way over to the office thinking that I would be the only one up, and I’d have the opportunity to prepare for the day. As I walked past the dining room and looked out onto Long Lake, I noticed that the lake was particularly calm and that one of our ski boats was missing from the dock.
Camp Takajo water-skiers

By the time I made my way to the office, the boat was in my sights and heading back to shore. As I went down to the dock to greet the boat, I saw two of our amazing ski counselors and a boat filled with smiling campers. “It’s a little early to be skiing,” I said. “Not if you want the best water,” the boys replied. One of the counselors was quick to comment that these boys had made a commitment to ski almost every free period and, because of their commitment, he thought it was only appropriate to give them the opportunity to ski when the lake was completely calm.

Just like a snow skier knows to hit the slopes immediately after a fresh powder storm, a water skier knows when to find the best water, and that’s usually in the early morning. As I made my way to the office to prepare for a busy day, I couldn’t help but feel that these amazing counselors had already accomplished one of our daily goals; to make this the best day ever for our campers.