Throughout my years as owner of Camp Takajo, I have always considered letter writing a “necessary evil.” I empathize with the parents who run to the mailbox in hopes of gleaning some information about their child’s routine at camp.
Is he making friends in the bunk?
What sports is he playing?
Has he signed up for any trips?
Our days are so packed that we hardly have the time to write. And, when we do, it is usually at rest hour. In the middle of the day, we ask your son to think about home and write to you. I would imagine the letter that you receive would be different if he was writing at halftime of his basketball game or in between innings of his baseball game. To make matters worse, by the time you receive the letter, the information is already three days old. Any parent who has had a child at summer camp could look back at some of these letters and chuckle. However, for the first time parent, finding this perspective is sometimes difficult. Please know that your son is developing in leaps and bounds every day. He is also learning more about himself and developing self-reliance. While he is missing you, he is having lots of fun.
Arch Ideal: Tolerance
- In Warrior camp today, we had a pioneering trip that went to the Portland Headlight Lighthouse. They viewed Casco Bay and could see the whole Seaport of Portland.
- Today on the waterfront, the new boat was out on the water for wakeboarding, wake surfing and water skiing. Radical fun for all! For the Dippies, it was a warm dip in Long Lake this morning.
- From Junior Camp today, a group of boys visited the driving range. They are practicing their swings and enhancing their skill levels.
- The intercamp teams were selected and started practicing for the 13-and-under Camp Cedar and Camp Wildwood soccer tournaments. Also, the 15-and-under roller hockey team practiced today. This evening, the 13-and-under campers practiced for the lacrosse tournament scheduled for Monday.