
What’s Happening at Camp Takajo? July 8, 2012

By July 8, 2012 January 14th, 2019 Tak Talk

Jeff’s Thoughts:
Tolerance: Perhaps the greatest aspect of going away to summer camp is learning to live and interact appropriately with others. It often takes a week or so for campers in a bunk to gel, and for some relationships to form. No matter how many years you have lived with your friends, each of them continues to develop physically, mentally and emotionally at his own pace. Putting your own needs aside for those with whom you live requires tolerance.

  • The Warrior campers are very excited about our Lazy Man’s Morning on Sundays, during which they can choose their activities in the morning hours.  Lazy Man’s Sundays are always the boys’ favorite day of the week. Last night, we had our weekly movie night, and the Warrior boys got to watch Rio, drive-in movie style, outside in the quad under the stars. What a great night!
  • Today, many of our campers of all ages, are heading out to Tripp Lake Camp for a brother, sister, cousin day.  They are going for lunch and some afternoon activities that will give them some time together to catch up on what is going on at their own camps, giving them some comfort of home.
  • Takajo won the 13 and under (U13) climbing competition at Camp Laurel over the weekend, and we had two campers who took individual trophies home for their climbing skills.  Coming off the high of that win, counselors are preparing the Takajo climbing wall for tomorrow’s Takajo Climbing Competition.
  • Outstanding hot stove time down at the waterfront this morning-  we placed a windward mark on the Bridgton side of camp, about half a mile away, and all campers sailed windward around the mark.
  • As we watch the Seniors play and grow in front of our eyes, we feel honored and privileged to work with such a respectable group of young men each day.  This afternoon, we broke out the new lacrosse rebounding walls labeled with Johns Hopkins and Syracuse logos for Neil and Bob, respectively. Today, we will begin our Senior league championship, which will culminate after dinner. The winners will celebrate on the beach with pizza and soda. We have our final numbers for the Sub-Senior trips, Acadia golf trip and St. Croix river canoe trip.
  • The “family” Ga-ga tournament will continue tonight.  Ga-ga has become a very popular sport here at Camp Takajo, with impromptu competitions happening often at the court.
  • Honor bunks will be awarded today for the Juniors. Those bunks will receive ice cream sundaes for winning cleanest bunk of the quad.