Jeff’s Thoughts:
Rite of Passage- As I looked over at our Senior campers during the dinner meal tonight, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey these 33 boys have had with us at Camp Takajo. I can vividly remember some of our oldest campers during their first summer, sitting with me in my office, dealing with the normal adjustments little children have when going away to summer camp. I’ve had the privilege of watching our oldest campers mature and grow into fine, young men who have an appreciation for camp as well as one another. These boys will spend the next ten days discovering parts of the country they may never have seen, but more importantly, they will create memories with their friends that will last a lifetime. Rite of Passage.
- Today, our Warrior Indian campers had their last Winaukee Field Day at Camp Winaukee. This will be followed by dinner at Burger King. The Warrior Crows are having a movie night at Jeff’s house that will include snacks and some comfy couch time as a group. The Warrior Braves are on their second rotation of skill activities today, and they can concentrate on whichever skill they would like.
- Our 12-year-old campers (Juniors) had not one, but two soccer tournaments today. The boys had a great time playing and cheering on each other. Tonight is our league championship for the Junior Greens and the Greys, final results to be announced tomorrow!
- At the tennis courts today, we had the Junior Greens, who had tennis matches for the playoffs in their league. The final match was decided by the tiebreaker. What an exciting way to end the league!
- The Senior Okeechobee campers are on their own today, because the rest of the Seniors are out of camp on trips. We had a Takajo Triathlon this morning and many bunks finishing up their bunk plaques. The seniors had their last golf trip that went out this afternoon. The boys will hang one of the plants from the Little Shop of Horrors theater performance in the Senior Rec. Hall, displayed alongside other Camp Takajo memorabilia from years past. Sunday night, many campers enjoyed tasting moose burgers on the quad as the sun went down. Our very own facilities manager, Gerry Simpson, hunted and prepared the moose. The boys are starting to realize that the end of the season is near, and they need to finish up all they have to accomplish.