
Tak Talk Blog- Camp Takajo – July 21, 2023

By July 21, 2023 Tak Talk
Tennis at Camp Takajo in Naples, Maine, USA

On the eve of our first visiting day in three years, I am truly excited to welcome you to Camp Takajo. It is hard to believe that so many of you have never had the opportunity to walk our grounds and feel the energy during a typical camp day.

I am reminded of a funny incident a few years ago when my wife Joan went into my son Jack’s bunk and was horrified when she looked at the cubbies and saw a mound of clothing rolled up with no sense of order. Joan reached in with two hands and pulled all the clothing off the shelf as Jack looked at his mother, bewildered. Joan methodically folded every t-shirt, pair of shorts, socks, and underwear, placing each tucked neatly back into the cubby.

When she finished, she looked at Jack and said, “What do you have to say for yourself?”

Jack looked back at his mother and replied, “That’s not my cubby.”

Part of the camp experience is for our boys to learn how to manage their belongings and take responsibility for maintaining a sense of order. While there may be things you see tomorrow that you wish were organized differently, it is important to remember that your child is learning how to navigate his newfound sense of independence.

In just a few short hours, you will have the opportunity to reconnect with your son, and I urge you to take that extra moment and hold him tight during that first embrace. The day will fly by, so enjoy every moment and know when it is over, it will be a few quick weeks before you are reunited. Wishing you a day filled with love. Here’s to a great visiting day.