
Tak Talk Blog- Camp Takajo – July 9, 2016

By July 9, 2016 January 4th, 2019 Tak Talk
Videography at Camp Takajo for Boys in Naples, Maine

Soccer at Camp Takajo for boys in Naples, MaineAfter two weeks of warm sunshine, Camp Takajo was finally greeted by cooler temperatures and cloudy skies. While there were moments throughout the day when we thought the skies might open up, we never experienced more than a light misting, and our program remained in regular activities all day. There was a part of me that hoped for an all-day rain. Our boys have been going full-tilt from the moment they arrived.

Videography at Camp Takajo for Boys in Naples, MaineMany of the attributes of our camp revolve around the fact that the programs are in full operation rain or shine. Parents often envision their child sequestered in his bunk with little to do on rainy days, but at Takajo, we are fortunate to have a plethora of indoor facilities. We have two indoor sports complexes, each with six glass backboards. When it rains, an entire age level could go inside one of these buildings to play basketball, dodge ball, soccer or gaga. Our hobby program offers our campers an excellent opportunity to work on projects such as art, crafts, ceramics, wood, music, photography, videography, pioneering, and the camp newspaper. Our older boys were rehearsing in our playhouse for the Senior Big Show Damn Yankees, which will take place in two weeks.

Each age group has its own indoor recreation hall that we use in rainy weather. These are used for games and movies. While we prefer bright sunshine and warm Maine days, rain or shine, Camp Takajo’s program is in full-swing.