
What’s Happening at Camp Takajo: July 1, 2015

By June 30, 2015 January 4th, 2019 Tak Talk


We had another magnificent day of full program, which really helps our boys to settle in and get used to the routine of camp. However, the most impactful part of the day was when the entire camp came together in the evening to participate in the opening campfire ceremony. When Warren played the Call to Council bugle call, the entire camp assembled, lined up single-file and walked silently into our sacred Indian Council fire ring.

06_29_2014_0_Camp Fire_All_07Led by our big chief, Neil Minsky, our campers and staff participated in a traditional campfire that continues the tradition from our opening season in 1947. There are ashes that were held from the closing campfire in 2014 and were placed in the opening campfire of 2015 to symbolize the seamless connection that takes place from year to year. Without a doubt, the most meaningful part of the opening campfire is the candle lighting ceremony. Twelve selected campers read the definition of each of our twelve arch ideals:  Honesty, integrity, love, faith, courage, obedience, loyalty, friendliness, self-reliance, tolerance, sportsmanship and magnanimity.

In my closing remarks to the camp, I encouraged every member of our community to take the opportunity as they walked through the arch and to try to implement one of these ideals during the course of their day. What I love most about the opening campfire is it comes at a time during the season when we are just starting to settle in, when our hopes, goals, and aspirations for the summer are in the forefront of our minds, at a time when we have an opportunity to make the most of this invaluable experience. At Camp Takajo, we are far more concerned about teaching children life skills than we are about teaching athletic skills.