
What’s Happening at Camp Takajo, August 9, 2014

By August 9, 2014 January 4th, 2019 Tak Talk
Camp Takajo Junior Olympics 2014 Track Meet


I cannot remember a better stretch of magnificent weather at Camp Takajo. I am sure many of you check the forecast for Naples, Maine and must smile knowing that your son is enjoying temperatures in the high seventies with a light breeze and beautiful sunshine; perfect weather for our Olympics.
Camp Takajo Junior Olympics 2014 Track Meet

Yesterday, I was watching the Juniors compete in an all-division track meet. Needless to say, the Olympics is competitive. However, I witnessed one of the greatest acts of kindness and sportsmanship I have ever seen at camp. There was a two-lap race, and two boys from each team were selected to represent their teams in this event. When the race started, one boy from each prospective team got off to an unusually fast pace. By the end of the first lap, it was evident that one of the boys did not have enough “in the tank” to keep going in the race. The other three boys in the race had literally crossed the finish line while one child had three-quarters of a lap to complete. It was at that moment that I witnessed this incredible act of kindness and encouragement. Every teammate on the boy’s team ran to the inside of the track and started to finish this lap with their teammate. With every step they took, there were words of encouragement to finish the race.
Camp Takajo Junior Olympics 2014 Track Meet

As the other team watched this amazing act, they started to applaud their opponents. When the camper finally turned the final corner and headed toward the finish line, both teams (the entire Junior camp age group) met this camper at the finish line to give him high-fives, pats on the back, and words of congratulations. While we recognize that competition is a part of camp, as well as a part of life, I take great pride in recognizing that our boys have a greater emphasis on sportsmanship.