
What’s Happening at Camp Takajo: July 2, 2013

By July 2, 2013 January 4th, 2019 Tak Talk


In the midst of a fun-filled day, packed with activities, a little camper walked into my office and announced that he wanted to go home.

“How are the boys in the bunk treating you?” I asked.  He replied, “Really nice.”

“Are the counselors attentive and making you feel safe?” I asked.  “Absolutely,” he replied.

“Are you enjoying the activities and getting the chance to play the sports you love the most?” I asked. “I love the sports. I was a DJ on the radio station the other day, and I got up on water skis for the very first time,” the boy said with a smile.

As we continued to talk, it became evident that it was less about this child’s experience in camp, and more about this child’s desire to get what he wants.WR Soccer

One of the greatest gifts that camp will give you is to learn how to handle adversity. There are times in our lives when we are outside our comfort zones, and it seems easier to walk away, than make adjustments. Camp is a place where a child learns to develop self-reliance, strength, courage, and the necessary tools to recover from emotional setbacks. The most enjoyable part of my day was sitting with this little boy and teaching him that the toughest path is the one least traveled.

Arch Ideal: Courage

  • There was a lot to talk about this week in tennis. July 1, we had a competition with Camp Wildwood. Camp Takajo won the overall event by 70 points earned from victories in the 10-and-under singles, the 10-and-under doubles, the 12-and-under singles, the 12-and-under doubles, and the 14-and-under doubles. We were runner-up in the 10-and-under doubles, the 12-and-under singles, and the 14-and-under singles. Congratulations Takajo for a great day of play!
  • The Sub-Senior campers went on their first trip of the summer today. They enjoyed an afternoon of bowling and then a stop at the mall.
  • Today in Junior camp, we had a great day. We played flicker ball, another day of soccer specialty clinics, and we had a record number of Junior campers catch fish from Long Lake.