Jeff’s Thoughts: For news of the heart, ask the face. -Nigerian Proverb
Often parents ask me, “How can you make sure my child won’t fall through the cracks?” Having a well-trained staff and a great camper to counselor ratio certainly help to prevent a child from feeling his needs are not being met. But the number one way to tell how a camper is doing is to look into his eyes. I learn so much about a camper’s state of mind by his demeanor. Watching a child as he interacts with his peers in the dining room, or playing with his friends in his bunk during rest hour or before bed is a tell-tale sign of how comfortable he is in his surroundings. For news of the heart, ask the face.
- The Warrior campers were pleased when they got a little more time to sleep in this morning because of Lazy Man’s Morning. We are all looking forward to watching the Junior Big Show this afternoon, and anticipating a week full of big trips.
- Down at the waterfront we had a big Hot Stove period during Lazy Man’s morning. The boys will be sailing, skiing, wakeboarding and banana boating through Long Lake. This fun, free period will be followed by structured, safe, waterfront activities.
- The Junior Big Show is tonight at Camp Takajo. Our Juniors involved in the show have been preparing all week for this event to take place. They will perform Annie in front of the entire camp, and we know it is sure to be a hit.
- There are two brother/sister events going on today. The first is at Camp Robindel, and the second is at Takajo with Tripp Lake Camp. Our campers with sisters at those neighboring camps will get to spend part of their Sunday with their siblings, eat a meal together, play sports, and spend some bonding time together.
- Our Sub-Senior campers are preparing for their trip to Canada, which leaves tomorrow morning. They will return Friday night after five, fun-filled, adventurous days exploring our neighboring country to the north, including Quebec City and Montreal.