It was déjà vu all over again as our boys woke up to a sunny, warm day with an increase in humidity. Constant reminders to fill water bottles and mandatory dips in the lake keep our boys hydrated and refreshed.
Our Sub Seniors and Okees took the day off from league play and intercamp competition to find indoor relief at a bowling alley and movie theater.
Our pioneering staff ran two trips. Some of our Crows visited Portland Head Light, situated on 90 beautiful acres on Casco Bay. The Portland Head Light and Museum offers inspiring ocean views, recreational sites for play, and the opportunity to discover ruins from a long maritime and military history. Our Junior Greys (finished sixth grade) hiked a 5-mile loop around Arethusa Falls in New Hampshire, believed to be the tallest single-drop waterfall that is trail-accessible in New England, and regarded by many to be the best scenic waterfall in New Hampshire. Our boys were in awe of this magnificent landscape.
While making my evening rounds, saying goodnight to all of our boys in Warrior Camp, I walked into one bunk where boys were playing with a volleyball that resembled the ones we use in camp. However, this volleyball was different because it was marked using a black Sharpie with a particular child’s name and his bunk name. When I asked this boy where he got the volleyball, he quickly replied that he brought it from home. One of his bunkmates, who was lying on his bed, seemingly not even listening to the conversation, very casually chimed in, “That’s simply not true.”
Taking a slightly defensive posture, the boy holding “his” volleyball became somewhat adamant that it was indeed his ball. He even provided proof by affirming that his name and bunk name were on the ball. Without any hesitation, his bunkmate asked him how he knew the name of his bunk before getting to camp. With that, the other child handed me the volleyball and apologized.
Many teachable moments occur in camp, and most don’t require a punishment. While we hate the sins, we love our sinners.